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Happy New Year to All!

As I approach the one-year mark of being your WHS CEO and reflect on all that we have accomplished as a team of animal champions coming out of 2021 – the first word that comes to my mind is PREVAIL.

The pandemic, the shutdowns, new leadership, and the trials and tribulations that come along with that amount of change and diversion, did not slow us down.

We are stronger and as motivated as ever, as we work our way into 2022. This year, we will go through a new strategic planning process, expand our work in northern communities, build our Foundation dollars, and launch a special project that will lay the bricks of securing dollars to continue the work we do in perpetuity (details coming your way soon.)

I am thankful for our team, our supporters, and the knowledge we gain each day that equips us with the tools we need to continue our fight – making sure we live true to our mission – protecting and promoting the welfare and dignity of all animals.

On the down days, when our fight feels heavy, let’s reflect on the progress humanity has made across the globe in terms of moving the progressive welfare needle; various animal species being classified as sentient creatures and gaining extra protections, decisions being made to maintain humane and environmentally friendly diets, bans on the use of fur across the fashion industry, and the City of Winnipeg reviewing the Responsible Pet Ownership by-law, to name a few.

Your Winnipeg Humane Society is in it for the long haul – we can and will do all the hard things to make our community, our Province, and the world we live in one that humans, animals, and the environment live in cohesive and sustainable wonder. Let’s continue protecting each other. Cheers to 2022.


With love and compassion,

Jessica Miller