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An animal’s mouth is not much different than a person’s; they require regular upkeep to prevent problems from occurring further down the road. Animals tend to act stoic and try not to show that they’re in pain, so it’s up for us as pet owners to stay on top of our pet’s well-being.

Check out these tips for optimal pet dental health:

  1. Look for the signs! A healthy mouth should be:
    • free of odor,
    • have healthy white teeth
    • pink gums.
  1. If you notice that your cat or dog has bad breath, red gums, is excessively drooling or having issues chewing food, or has a lump in the mouth then it may be a sign of an underlying dental concern.
  2. Brushing your pet’s teeth at home everyday is beneficial and will promote good oral health. Only use a toothpaste made for pets. Never use a human toothpaste, as the ingredients can be toxic for our animals.
  3. Accumulation of plaque and tartar can be prevented by feeding your pet a special dental diet—food that’s specifically designed to help preserve oral health.
  4. While some pets are more at risk for dental issues (such as smaller breeds of dogs), all animals should have their teeth annually checked by your veterinarian. This will ensure that any concerns are caught before they become a major issue.


Problems if Dental Care is Ignored

If left unchecked, dental issues can turn into much more significant health problems:

  • Gum recession, loss of teeth, weakening of the jawbone which could lead to fractures, a hole (called a fistula) can develop between the oral cavity and nasal passages causing nasal discharge, or a bone infection can occur.
  • Bacteria from the mouth associated with dental issues can even enter the bloodstream and damage the heart, liver and kidneys.
  • A broken tooth that has pulp exposed could potentially lead to a painful tooth root abscess.
  • Make sure you monitor your pet if they are given any hard chew toys (like bones or antlers), as it’s not uncommon for dogs to break a tooth on these types of toys.