Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)
Many communities are plagued with the problem of homeless cats. The Winnipeg Humane Society is working towards capturing stray and unsocialized cats and having them spay/neutered.
While we have made great strides in encouraging people to spay or neuter their companion cats, the stray and feral cat populations in our community continue to reproduce and contribute to Winnipeg’s cat overpopulation problem.
For a TNR appointment, please contact our WHS Clinic at 204-888-7627 (888-SNAP), or email [email protected]. Please leave a detailed message requesting a TNR appointment and a WHS staff member will get back to you. Appointments are very limited, we thank you for your patience as we continue to work towards growing this program.
Check your municipality by-laws regarding the legalities of harbouring feral cats.