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Do-It-Yourself Fundraising

Are you a fabulous organizer? Do you have a brain bursting with creative ideas, or a knack for getting people excited about helping a great cause? Become a Community Fundraiser for The Winnipeg Humane Society!

DIY fundraisers give you to ability to call your own shots and raise money for The WHS in a way best suited to you. The possibilities are endless for DIY fundraisers and only limited by your creativity.

DIY fundraisers can be as simple or outstanding as you would like to make them and are for all ages. Host an event by yourself, or get together with your friends, family, co-workers, classmates, student group, senior home, or wherever you’re involved and support animals in need.

Some examples of DIY fundraisers include (but are not limited to):

Here are some ways you can help:


Car washes

Bake sales

Lemonade stands

Jewelry/craft sales

Golf tournaments/putting contests


Family get-togethers

Casual Fridays

Garage/yard sales

School or daycare fundraisers

Birthday party donations

If you have your own creative new idea — that’s great too!


For more information

Email our Third Party Events Coordinator or call 204-988-8811

Looking for inspiration? Meet some of our Community Volunteers!


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