Barn Buddies
The Barn Buddies program gives a second chance to a cat who might not otherwise get one. For families that have a barn, warehouse, or appropriate structure and are interested in hosting a barn cat(s), this program enables semi-feral and less socialized cats an opportunity to thrive in a comfortable environment.
Click here to learn more and apply for a cat through the Barn Buddies program.
Behaviour Support and Resources
Our Behaviour team offers a variety of Behaviour Resources including onsite Animal Training and Behaviour classes to assist with your pet training needs. From house training a new puppy to managing certain behaviours in adult dogs, our behaviour experts are here to help. Pet owners may also take advantage of our free Behaviour Helpline, 204-988-8808, to speak directly to our Behaviour Counsellors. We can also be reached via email at [email protected].
Care to Adopt
When someone finds a stray animal, they submit that info to the WHS. If no current home or owner is found, the finder may adopt the animal, keeping it out of the shelter. The adoption for $50 (plus applicable taxes) includes a spay/neuter, vaccinations, deworming, and City of Winnipeg license. If you have found a stray animal and would like to adopt it if available, please fill out a Found report online: and contact our Intake Department directly, 204-982-2021 option 5, to discuss.
Help Find a Home
When someone has found a stray animal, they can complete a Found Animal Report on the WHS website. The finder keeps the stray animal in their possession while the WHS searches for the owner. If an owner cannot be found, the finder becomes the owner. Once the finder has found a new owner to rehome the stray animal, ownership is transferred over and the pet’s new owner can use the WHS Clinic for low cost spay/neuter, vaccinations, and a City of Winnipeg license for $50 plus taxes. If you have found a stray animal, please fill out the Found Report online: and contact our Intake Department directly, at 204-982-2021 option 5, if you would like to access the Care to Rehome program.
Emergency Boarding
The Emergency Boarding program provides temporary pet housing for individuals in emergency situations, for example a brief hospital stay, a natural disaster, or housefire. Please contact our Intake Department directly, 204-982-2021 option 5, to see if you qualify.
Foster Program
Foster Parents are WHS volunteers that take in animals when they are recovering from surgery, ill, or need extra time in a home environment. This ensures we can help many more animals at one time, more than we could ever fit in our shelter. To apply to be a Foster:
Pet Food Bank
Our Emergency Pet Food Bank collects and distributes pet food to those who are not able to buy food for their animals, whether it’s due to financial or personal situations. We welcome all food donations to support this initiative. More details on how to apply to be a recipient of the emergency pet food can be found on our website. To apply, visit the Pet Food Bank web page.
Urgent Care Program
Our Urgent Care program offers low cost, short-term veterinary care for pets who have been diagnosed with an urgent condition and their owners are not able to afford that care at their own clinic. Our goal is to help pets get through an urgent medical situation on a short-term basis. Please contact our WHS Clinic directly to see if you qualify and to apply: 204-982-2036.*Please note this subsidized low cost veterinary care is made possible through the generosity of our donors.
Home To Home
The Home To Home program is a unique, direct-to-adopter online tool for pet owners that need to rehome an animal. Pets can find a loving new home without ever entering a shelter. The program also gives animals needing a new home the best of both worlds: their current owner can find the best fit, and their adopter can learn all about their personality and preferences firsthand. Through the Home To Home program, prospective adopters will contact the current pet owner directly to learn more about a pet they may be interested in. Because these pets are not in our shelter, they are not evaluated by our staff. Visit for more information.
SafePet Program
The SafePet Program provides temporary pet housing for individuals leaving their abusive partners. If you are a crisis shelter seeking pet foster parents on behalf of people entering your shelter, contact us at 204-982-2021, option 5.